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6 Ways to Boost Brain Health and Performance for Life

6 Ways to Boost Brain Health and Performance for Life

Keeping your brain healthy and strong always starts with looking at your everyday lifestyle habits and routines. These should be looked at first before looking for more advanced techniques or technologies to take your mind to the next level.
As such, here’s a list of 6 top lifestyle strategies to support and boost your brain health.

“Nobody Who Ever Gave His Best Regretted It.”
―George Halas


“Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.”
―Robert A. Heinlein

Getting proper sleep quantity, as well as quality, is vital for healthy brain function. Inappropriate total sleep time leads to daytime sleepiness and fatigue, which can significantly reduce your ability to think deeply or even focus. Let alone what it will do to your mood.
Getting proper sleep, quality and quantity is essential since, during sleep, your brain rebuilds and repairs itself by cleaning out any unwanted buildup of protein/plaque such as Beta-Amyloid, as researchers found in an article published in Sleep [1]. High levels of B-Amyloid may be early indicators for future Alzheimer’s disease.

It is well accepted that sleeping at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and tracking your sleep using a device such as the Fitbit Charge 4 will increase your overall wellbeing, brain health, and performance.


“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.”
―Friedrich Nietzsche

Exercise, in particular, aerobic exercise, has been shown to significantly increase the levels of neurotrophins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a protein causing neurogenesis and helping growing new neurons and repairing existing ones, as researchers could demonstrate in an article published in Cell [2].


“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
―Charles M. Schulz

It’s no surprise that the first three strategies encompass nutrition, sleep, and exercise.
The food you eat directly impacts your overall health and, in particular, brain health and performance.
Generally accepted food strategies include:
  • no sugar (reduces inflammation)
  • no overeating
  • plenty of greens (from vegetables)
Micronutrients provide vitamins, minerals as well as healthy prebiotic fiber for your gut.
To help further enhance brain health and performance, here are a few advanced techniques:
  • broccoli and green, leafy vegetables which contain vitamin K and other powerful antioxidants
  • dark chocolate – rich in flavonoids and other antioxidants
  • avocado, high in vitamins C, E, K, B6 and riboflavin, niacin, folate, magnesium, potassium, and a good source of fats
  • eggs which include B vitamins and choline
  • nuts which contain healthy fats and vitamin E
  • fish that contains omega 3 fatty acids
  • blueberries are some of the best health foods for the brain that has potent antioxidants
  • a daily dose of MCT oils is excellent for brain health and staving off neurodegeneration
  • drink coffee and tea that contains healthy polyphenols
  • turmeric is an effective anti-inflammatory


“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
―Marcus Aurelius

Meditation is a mindfulness and stillness technique that can technically be performed in different ways. Usually, it involves sitting still with your eyes closed, listening to calming music or a guided talk, or just repeating a mantra. These practices can generally be done in only a couple of minutes every day.

Meditation has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase grey matter density in the brain. It has also been shown to reduce inflammation as well as many other health benefits.
For beginners, I would recommend downloading an app like Headspace or Waking Up to get started with your guided meditation practices. Both of these offer free trials.


Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

Most of our day is spent moving from one task to the next. Negative thoughts or thinking about what we don’t have or what’s missing in our lives sometimes get in the way.
The practice of being grateful, saying or writing what you’re thankful for each day, has been shown to have positive and lasting effects on the mind. It doesn’t have to be long; a few points each day do wonders—from enhancing physical and mental health and wellbeing to reducing stress and improving mood.
Once you begin actively practicing gratitude each day, you will notice that you will start to search for small things to appreciate more of. This helps to rewire your brain to see the good, the glass half full. They say life is 10% what happens and 90% how you handle it. Seeing more positive things in your life rather than negative is undoubtedly not going to hurt.
To begin your gratitude practice, just get a notebook and write each day things your happy about or grateful for. Simply take 5 minutes out of each day to sit in silence and write down 3 things you’re most thankful for that day.
For example, today, I noted that I’m happy my clothes smell like pine trees because I have an outdoor closet where I live now. It doesn’t have to be huge.


“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
François de la Rochefoucauld

Supplements can be additional forms of nutrition that can be added to complement a solid nutritional plan and avoid dietary deficiencies or supercharge your health further by looking at other plant compounds, amino acids, medicinal mushrooms, and more. 
The first goal with supplementation for brain health and performance is to fix any nutrient deficiencies, e.g., if you’re not eating enough sardines, it would be wise to supplement with omega 3 supplements. If you’re not eating in eggs or meats, it may be wise to supplement with additional choline sources such as citicoline or Alpha-GPC. If you’re not getting enough micronutrients from greens, it may be wise to supplement with multi-spectrum vitamins and minerals.
Once these nutrient basics have been covered, you can look into advanced nutraceuticals to further support your most important asset.
A few key ingredients that have a tremendous effect on brain health and performance, especially when combined:

Organic Bacopa Leaf Extract
: a herb that has been shown to support memory, increase brain blood flow, increasing neurotransmitter production.

: an underrated cognitive enhancer, is a nucleotide that acts as a precursor to synthesize membrane phospholipids and brain synapses. It has been shown to support alertness and concentration significantly.

Organic Lion’s Mane Extract: contains multiple compounds that provide protection for neurons and boost Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) to help repair and create new neurons.


: A form of dietary choline which converts into CDP-Choline in the brain. CDP-Choline is the precursor to Acetylcholine – a neurotransmitter that supports muscular control, memory, and learning in humans.

Organic Huperzia Serrata Leaf Extract
: Highly concentrated source of Huperzine A. Worldwide studies have shown that Huperzine A supports learning and memory by slowing down acetylcholine breakdown. Huperzine A may be used for both short-term brain boosts, such as preparing for a test, or more long-term needs, such as reducing the memory loss associated with normal aging.

N-Acetyl L Tyrosine
: This is an acetylated form of the amino acid L-Tyrosine. The acetylation ensures it becomes highly bioavailable. N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine is a specific form of Tyrosine that can’t be obtained through food and has tremendous benefits on the brain activity.

Methylated Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 complements this formula in its superior methylcobalamin form. It contributes to normal psychological function and the functioning of the nervous system.

It goes without saying that all of these are in Maximum Mind in high purity forms and at effective doses.
That’s it; you are now equipped with effective lifetime strategies for a happy and strong brain!


  1. Benedict, C., Cedernaes, J., Giedraitis, V., Nilsson, E. K., Hogenkamp, P. S., Vågesjö, E., … & Schiöth, H. B. (2014). Acute sleep deprivation increases serum levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S100 calcium-binding protein B (S-100B) in healthy young men. Sleep, 37(1), 195-198.
  2. Phillips, C., Baktir, M. A., Srivatsan, M., and Salehi, A. (2014). Neuroprotective effects of physical activity on the brain: a closer look at trophic factor signaling. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 8:170.
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