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Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba: Is It Right for Me?

Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba: Is It Right for Me?

Supplements containing ginkgo biloba are widespread and one of the most famous herbal medicines. Extractions from the dried green leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant are available in liquid, tablet, capsule forms, and other forms of herbal supplements. There are many different reasons why people use ginkgo, and in this article, we will look more into the benefits of ginkgo biloba and if it is right for you. 

According to Medical News Today, the benefits of using it include the treatment of blood and memory loss as well as cardiovascular issues and the improvement of eye health. [1]

Antioxidant flavonoids and terpenoids are abundant in ginkgo, and these compounds shield cells from oxidative cell damage caused by harmful free radicals. Antioxidants are thought to lower the risk of cancer in this way and this might be why ginkgo has been used as a natural medicine for centuries.

The benefits of ginkgo biloba encompass its antioxidant effect as well as its benefits for mental clarity and cognitive performance. Ginkgo is bioavailable in its purest and most potent form in Maximum Mind. Let’s take a look at these benefits even further. 

According to an article on Human psychopharmacology, ginkgo biloba has been shown to have several health benefits, one of which is improving mental performance. [2] So the efficacy of ginkgo isn’t controversial anymore.

“The Truth Knocks on the Door and You Say, ‘Go Away, I’m Looking for the Truth,’ and So It Goes Away. Puzzling.”
— Robert M. Pirsig

What Is Ginkgo?

“A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.”
— Winston Churchill

A native of China, the ginkgo tree (also known as “maidenhair tree”) is cultivated for various health benefits and has been used as herbal medicine for thousands of years. Ginkgo extract, which is derived from the plant leaves of ginkgo biloba, has been the focus of current clinical studies, despite its use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Mayo Clinic defines ginkgo compounds as a medicinal plant linked to a wide range of beneficial effects and applications, most of which focus on improving cognitive performance, blood circulation, memory loss, and blood flow. [3]

Notably, ginkgo biloba benefit is to increase blood flow to the brain, which makes it quite powerful when combined with a permeation enhancer like taurine and other neuroenhancers like in Maximum Mind. Then you’ll benefit from increased blood flow, increased cell penetration, and increased cognition. It’s quite a beautiful triple synergy.


Benefits of Ginkgo

“Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”
— Maya Angelou

Several findings have specified the efficacy of ginkgo, and it has yet remained the primary focus of modern research, despite its widespread use in traditional Chinese medicine. 

Nootropic supplements that contain ginkgo, such as Maximum Mind, have been linked to a wide range of health benefits and use that primarily focus on improving brain function and brain blood flow. 

This article will discuss the multiple benefits of ginkgo biloba, which is a great and very beneficial type of plant for cognitive enhancement. I bet some of you are not familiar with this plant, and I’m sure most of you haven’t come across this plant and have zero ideas about its purpose. Yet, many have heard the name as it went mainstream about 20 years ago.

Reduces Mental Fatigue

Ginkgo biloba is probably the most mainstream compound inside MAXIMUM MIND. As a natural cognitive enhancing drug with thousands of years of use, there is ample evidence to suggest it is an effective option for beginners or enthusiasts. According to scientific literature, ginkgo biloba is the answer for naturally reducing mental fatigue [11]. 

Antioxidants of Great Strength

A research study found in the Journal of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics has highlighted the positive effect of this plant’s potent antioxidants on general health. [4]

As a natural supplement, ginkgo leaf extract contains powerful antioxidants that may be responsible for most of its health benefits including the ones related to cognition that we’ll discuss below.

Herbal extracts from the leaves, seeds, and bark of the plant contain various bioactive constituents, including flavonoids, terpenes, and polyphenols. These antioxidants protect cells against oxidative stress and inflammation.

Helps to Reduce Inflammation

According to similar findings from the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, ginkgo has anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat a wide range of ailments. As a result, it can be used in a wide range of healthcare settings. [4]

Heart Health

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association highlighted that ginkgo causes blood vessels to expand and that it can also aid and boost blood circulation. This may be useful in the treatment of circulatory problems. [5]

Prevention of Dementia and Psychiatric Disorders

Ginkgo leaf extract has not been proven to treat Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia or cognitive decline, but it may provide benefits that can prevent or delay cognitive impairment in the long haul. According to a study found in JAMA, using it in conjunction with conventional treatment appears to increase the likelihood of success. [5] People with dementia or a history of dementia in their family might want to consider the herbal supplement as an additional tool to reduce their symptoms or possible future symptoms. 

Ginkgo biloba has been linked to improved cognitive function in healthy individuals. Ginkgo increases capillary blood flow, which enhances oxygen delivery to all parts of the body, including the brain. Ginkgo has a circulatory and analytic effect on the brain, which aids in decision-making and sharpens the mind’s focus. This plant’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may also help to prevent mental fatigue, especially in physically active people.

Reduces Anxiety

Ginkgo leaf extracts have been shown to have anti-anxiety properties, but this is most likely due to their high antioxidant levels, as seen in the study found in Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare. [6]

Research suggests that taking ginkgo may help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

A few animal studies have observed reductions in anxiety symptoms that may be attributable to the antioxidant content of the herbal extract. One study found that 170 people with generalized anxiety disorder were given either 240 mg or 480mg of ginkgo or placebos.

Ginkgo biloba supplements may help reduce anxiety, but there is not enough evidence to say for sure whether they actually work yet. The benefit is attributed to the high amount of terpene lactones present in ginkgo leaf extracts

Treating Depression

It is possible that ginkgo’s anti-inflammatory properties could be used to alleviate symptoms of the chronic disease depression. With increased stress comes increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which can be alleviated by taking ginkgo. Ginkgo biloba can help ease anxiety symptoms in those who are experiencing it.

The hormone-balancing effects of ginkgo can also help lessen mood swings in women, especially those suffering from PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), which may reduce their risk of developing depression.

Supports Eye Health

According to research found in International psychogeriatrics, looking to supplement with ginkgo may stimulate blood flow to the eyes, but this does not necessarily improve vision. Some clinical studies show that it may have benefits against macular degeneration and age-related macular degeneration but further systematic reviews are needed [7].

May Improve Brain Health and Brain Activity 

Some people speculate that ginkgo biloba may have beneficial effects on brain function in otherwise healthy individuals.

Several small clinical trials suggest that taking ginkgo supplements may improve cognitive function and perceived well-being as well as delay age-related cognitive impairment.

Clinical trials like these have led to claims linking ginkgo biloba to improved memory, focus, and attention span.

Ginkgo biloba has been studied for its effects on memory, but a large review of research found no evidence that taking it improves memory, executive function, or attention capacity.

Ginkgo supplementation may improve cognitive function, but there are no guarantees.

Research suggests that ginkgo may help improve mental performance in healthy individuals, but the data is inconclusive.

On the other hand, data is more conclusive when it comes to the cerebral blood flow benefits of ginkgo blioba. These make it very interesting to add to a formulation with stronger nootropics that ginkgo will then aid in crossing the brain-blood barrier.

Headaches and Migraine Pain

Ginkgo is a fairly common therapy for headaches and migraines in traditional Chinese medicine for its anti-inflammatory and blood flow-increasing properties.

Ginkgo is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginkgo may be beneficial if a headache or migraine is caused by severe stress.

Additionally, ginkgo’s ability to expand blood vessels may alleviate symptoms if a headache is caused by decreased blood flow or constricted blood vessels. As such it’s also effective at decreasing the likelihood of blood clotting and alleviating blood pressure. 

Effective in Treating Asthma

According to several studies, the efficacy of ginkgo has been established when it comes to alleviating the symptoms of asthma and other inflammatory respiratory disorders such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

This is related to the anti-inflammatory chemicals included in ginkgo, which may contribute to decreased airway inflammation and enhanced lung capacity, as seen in a study found in Molecules. [8]

A 75-person trial assessed the use of ginkgo extract in conjunction with glucocorticoid drug therapy to manage asthma symptoms verified and published in the Journal of Huazhong [9]. The study found that inflammatory chemicals were dramatically reduced in the saliva of those who got ginkgo compared to those who received standard medicine alone.

Ideal Dosage and Side Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
— Pablo Picasso

Capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, and dried leaves for teas are all forms that ginkgo is available in Maximum Mind. Researchers in Science found that a divided daily dose of 120 to 240 milligrams of ginkgo extract was most effective for adults. [10] A noticeable improvement appears to take anywhere from four to six weeks of supplementation.

Due to some adverse effects, some people are advised not to use any form of biloba supplement, such as those with epilepsy, pregnant women, and those taking blood thinners. Some people might have side effects like allergic skin reactions or other allergic reaction when supplementing with ginkgo. People with diabetes should not use ginkgo biloba without consulting a doctor first.

The majority of the data, on the other hand, appears to suggest the safety of consuming 120-240 mg in dosages as dietary supplement that will be distributed throughout the day, rather than consuming it all at once.

Even though there are no stable required doses for consuming ginkgo supplements, it is recommended that you begin with a smaller amount and gradually increase it to achieve compatibility. Given that most studies have not examined dosages of more than 600 mg each day, it is simply not a good idea to go over this limit.

Keep in mind that it may take up to six weeks until you start experiencing any results or reactions from the supplement. The best thing you can do is to consult an expert.

Maximum Mind contains the right amount of ginkgo biloba that is generally recognized as safe and efficacious to provide you with its traditional benefits.

Since it is a plant, ginkgo biloba is typically granulated and combined with other healthy plants in herbal teas and supplements. It’s pretty common to find it as a tea mix or powder, which you could use to produce your own teas or combine into a healthy morning smoothie. You may also get it in a variety of supplements. Alternatively, it is also accessible in the tincture version, which means you may add a few drops to your smoothies, drink, coffee, or meal in that form as well. 

Although ginkgo biloba is not as common as the other anti-inflammatory drugs such as “moringa” and “ginger,” it still can significantly boost your overall health. Once again, it is an old custom that has been proven to be effective and beneficial.

Note: there’s an effective dose of organic gingko biloba leaf extract at 24% glycosides 6% terpene lactones in each dose of Maximum Mind.

Who Benefits From Ginkgo?

“A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.”
―Billie Jean King

Ginkgo’s main benefits are stress reductions, a clear mind, fatigue resistance, and overall cognitive improvement.

Some of the best use cases to make the most out of the benefits of ginkgo biloba are for people who have stressful lives and who need to perform under these conditions, as these persons will immediately benefit from reduced stress and increased mental clarity.

Simply said, people who want a clear mind, better blood flow, and enhanced general mood.

To name a few examples of occupations that would benefit from incorporating ginkgo in their supplementation strategy:

  • Surgeons who need mental clarity under high demanding physical and mental output
  • Freelancers who work in changing environments and could use the fatigue-reducing properties of ginkgo
  • Entrepreneurs as high levels of stress come with creation and responsibility
  • Students who want to stay composed under stress while taking tests or learning for them
  • Pilots who need to be able to withstand fatigue while being alert and able to expend cognitive effort over a long period of time
  • People with Dementia or subject to age-associated memory impairment or general cognitive impairment who want to attenuate the symptoms or delay their onset
  • Elderly people who want to maximize their cognitive health for the long run

The list is broad and these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to people who can benefit from ginkgo. All in all, ginkgo is beneficial for people who have stressful life conditions and could benefit from their brain functioning naturally at a higher RPM.

Further, people who are prone to brain fog and depression will benefit from ginkgo at over-proportional rates due to its anti-inflammatory effect on the mind.

Ideally, you’d start a ginkgo regiment about 2 to 3 weeks before the event you want to be on your A-game for as it takes some time for ginkgo to load in your system. 

It can also be taken all year as an “insurance policy” as Maximum Mind customers do.


“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
— Samuel Beckett 

The benefits of ginkgo biloba are numerous and quite useful. Ginkgo benefits healthy people, elderly people, and people with cognitive impairments. 

The benefits are such as its antioxidant activity, enhanced mental clarity, blood, and brain circulation, reduced depression and anxiety, prevention of dementia and other cognitive disorders, and many more. As a dietary supplement, ginkgo has an excellent benefit-to-risk ratio.

The big question then is, is it right for you? Taking a proper and adequate dosage over a specific time period is significant to consider. The good news is that Maximum Mind contains just the right amount to provide you with these many benefits which work synergistically with the other components of Maximum Mind.

At this time, most users are pretty delighted with the mental health benefits of using ginkgo biloba supplements.

Why not enjoy the benefits of ginkgo biloba in their purest form along with other clinically studied compounds for increasing brain and physical performance and health with Maximum Mind?

Read more about ginkgo biloba on the Marco’s Grounds Deep Dive



  1. Nordqvist, J. (2017, December 18). Health benefits of Gingko biloba. Medical News Today.
  2. Mix, J. A., & Crews, W. D., Jr (2002). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in a sample of cognitively intact older adults: neuropsychological findings. Human psychopharmacology, 17(6), 267–277.
  3. Ginkgo. (2020, November 18). Mayo Clinic.
  4. Singh, S. K., Srivastav, S., Castellani, R. J., Plascencia-Villa, G., & Perry, G. (2019). Neuroprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Ginkgo biloba Extract Against AD and Other Neurological Disorders. Neurotherapeutics: the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, 16(3), 666–674.
  5. DeKosky, S. T. et al. Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory (GEM) Study Investigators (2008). Ginkgo biloba for prevention of dementia: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 300(19), 2253–2262.
  6. Alsmadi, A. M., Tawalbeh, L. I., Gammoh, O. S., Shawagfeh, M. Q., Zalloum, W., Ashour, A., & Attarian, H. (2017). The effect of Ginkgo biloba and psycho-education on stress, anxiety, and fatigue among refugees. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 27(1), 26–32.
  7. Savaskan, E., Mueller, H., Hoerr, R., von Gunten, A., & Gauthier, S. (2018). Treatment effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on the spectrum of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International psychogeriatrics, 30(3), 285–293.
  8. Chu, X., et al. (2011). A novel anti-inflammatory role for ginkgolide B in asthma via inhibition of the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway. Molecules, 16(9), 7634–7648.
  9. Tang, Y. et al. (2007). The effect of Ginkgo Biloba extract on the expression of PKCalpha in the inflammatory cells and the level of IL-5 in induced sputum of asthmatic patients. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 27(4), 375–380.
  10. Ren, X., Yang, Z., Ding, X., & Yang, C. (2018). Effects of Ginkgo biloba leaves (Ginkgo biloba) and Ginkgo biloba extract on nutrient and energy utilization of broilers. Poultry Science, 97(4), 1342–1351.
  11. Eckert, A., Keil, U., Kressmann, S., Schindowski, K., Leutner, S., Leutz, S., & Müller, W. E. (2003). Effects of EGb 761® Ginkgo biloba extract on mitochondrial function and oxidative stress. Pharmacopsychiatry, 36(S 1), 15-23.


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