"Birds Born in a Cage Think Flying Is an Illness.”
― Alejandro Jodorowsky
Writing about natural ways to increase testosterone might look like a weird blog post for a manufacturer of smart drugs or nootropics for now. Yet, read on, and you’ll see how everything is connected.
A customer recently asked our customer support if we could help with erectile dysfunction (ED) too. We can. I’m more than happy to jump on that one. It’s quite in line with some experiments I have been doing. So, I made a little list.
Erectile dysfunction is mostly a canary-in-the-coal-mine issue. It might be underlying severe behavioral faux-pas that you can correct quickly before using pharmaceutical enhancements. It might also be the first signs of serious issues that need medical care. If it’s the former, many things can be done before reaching for pills that only mask the symptoms temporarily. There’s a place for Viagra and Cialis: it’s better to use it to go above and beyond than it is to use it just to get back to normal—more on this later.
First, things first. Why do we care? Why are we even talking about penises? You thought we manufacture smart drugs and just care about the intelligentsia. Well, you’re wrong. We care about everyone and brains don’t exist in a vacuum. Human brains have one primary function: ensure the four Fs of evolution: fighting, feeding, fleeing, and… mating. That’s the hardcoded firmware. Brains never evolved to post witticisms on Instagram or solve differential equations. Those are nice add-ons, though.
Also, allow me to share my view on hard penises. It’s simple. Everybody likes hard penises. Men want to have them, and women want to be on the receiving end of them. I don’t think this is a male-centric topic.
Second, everything else relies on this. There’s no love, mathematics, iPhones, family, art, etc., without, you guessed it, rock-hard penises.
And here’s the not-so-shocking kicker: it’s all connected. The behaviors that make the mind spark and the body tight… well, you guessed it, also make the penis happy. If you read my ramblings, writings, experiments, and such, now and again, you know how I relentlessly go on and on about how a strong brain is a healthy brain, a strong muscle is a healthy muscle, and a strong penis is a healthy penis. One of the natural ways to increase testosterone is through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep—all of which benefit the brain and body as a whole.
If you have a low libido and want to change it, read on. Chances are you were not born this way and a few minor behavioral tweaks can bring you back to your intended glory! Let’s put the fire back in this!